Saturday, April 3, 2021

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT

Metcon (Time)

A) 4 Rds (Each Partner Pushes Sled 2 Rds)

With a Partner Perform:


50 ft. Sled Push/Plate Push

AMRAP Handstand Push Ups

Rest 2 Minutes

B) For Time:

200m Run

30 Wall Ball

50 KB Swing 70/55 or Single Arm DB Snatch

6 Rope Climb

200m Run

30 Wall Ball

40 KB Swing or Single Arm DB Snatch

4 Rope Climb

200m Run

30 Wall Ball

30 KB Swing or Single Arm DB Snatch

2 Rope Climb

Rest 2 Minutes

C) 4 Rds (Each Partner Pushes Sled 2 Rds)

With a Partner Perform:


50 ft. Sled Push

AMRAP Handstand Push Ups

Metcon (Time)

A) 4 Rds (Each Partner Pushes Sled 2 Rds)

With a Partner Perform:


50 ft. Sled Push

AMRAP Strict Handstand Push Ups

Rest 2 Minutes

B) For Time:

200m Run

30 Wall Ball

40 Single Arm DB Snatch 50/35

8 Rope Climb

200m Run

30 Wall Ball

30 Single Arm DB Snatch 70/50

6 Rope Climb

200m Run

30 Wall Ball

20 Single Arm DB Snatch 100/70

4 Rope Climb

Rest 2 Minutes

C) 4 Rds (Each Partner Pushes Sled 2 Rds)

With a Partner Perform:


50 ft. Sled Push

AMRAP Strict Handstand Push Ups

B) 3 Sets:

Close Grip Bench Press @22×1 x 6-8

Bent Over Trap 3 Raise @2111 x 8-10 each (

Single Leg RDL x 8-10

Elbow on Knee External Rotation x 8

B) 2 Sets:

Prone Incline Batwing Row x 6-8

Prone Incline DB Lateral Raise x 15-20

Heel Elevated on Rower Seat Hamstring Curls x 12-15

C) 2 Sets:

5 Supinated Curl + 5 Pronated Curl + 5 Mixed Grip Curl + 5 Mixed Grip Curl + Pronated Curl + 5 Supinated Curl

Cross Banded Triceps Extension x 30 (Set 1 = elbows by side, set 2 = overhead)