We are joining the rest of the Functional Fitness community with the implementation of MindyBody online. We will now need everyone to sign up for classes BEFORE you come to them.  If you come to the night classes you have noticed that often one class will have 15 people and the class before or after it has only 5. By adding MindBody you will be able to see which class has more/less people and it will help us be prepared for the load! The goal is not to limit classes but to help balance them out. I know there are a lot of you that can do any of the night classes so hopefully this will help! Please start logging in ASAP. At some point in the next week we will have some kind of penalty/reward for logging on, after that it will be a must and if you do not sign up for a class you will not be allowed to attend. So you have a week to get good at it!  Here are the directions:

1. Click on the link at the top of the home page

2. It will open another window that is on the MindBody page. The first time you use it you will need to create a user name and password

3. Once you are done there it will show you the class options, just click on the “Sign up Now” button

4. After you click there you will need to “Register as unpaid” and it will get you signed up

** There is an option to sign up for reoccurring classes. PLEASE ONLY DO THIS IF YOU KNOW THAT YOU WILL BE AT EVERY CLASS, that you sign up for. The best thing for us all would be to have everyone register a day at a time or a week at a time at most!

If you have questions please e-mail Courtney@crossfitsurge or ask me when you see me!

Thanks again.



There is a link at the top of the home page. Here are the directions: