
Essentials WOD
Skill/Strength: Turkish Getup Tabata Double Unders WOD:  3 Rounds for Time 16 OH walking lunges 8 Hand Release Push ups 2 Turkish getup right arm 2 Turkish getup left arm Cash out: 30 burpees for time
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Strength/Skill: SMR w/Ball WOD: “Cardio Tag Team (in 20 minutes) Sprint Burpees Jump Rope Mountain Climber Row
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Skill: DB Front Squat WOD: 21-15-9 DB Thruster DB Shoulder Press Renegade Row ea. arm
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5 Rds For Time: 10 Wall Ball 10 Med Ball Push up 10 Russian Twist Run 200 meters
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WOD: For Time: Run 400, 300, 200, 100 Wall Balls 15, 20, 25, 30 KB Swing 30, 25, 20, 15
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    Test Day 3: 3 Attempts Max Weight DB Shoulder PressMen – Each Pound equals 1 point Women – Each Pound equals 1.25 points Max American KB Swings in 2 Minutes Men use 55 pound KB each rep is worth 1 point, if use 35 pound KB each rep is worth .5 pts. Women...
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It’s the time again everyone for the Surge Elite Performance & Fitness Total/All Around Test.  Each day this week will consist of a variety of different tests, used to score your current fitness level.  The testing protocol is as follows: Surge Elite Performance & Fitness All Around The CSAA is a weeklong testing process, which...
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Strength/Skill: Max Box Jumps for height Nathan’s B-Day WOD: “Cardio Gone Bad” 3 Rds For Reps: 1 Min each Bike Mountain Climber Row Burpees Double Unders Rest Happy Birthday Nathan! So happy to have you as part of our family! Take care of that shoulder, we know you will be back to 100% soon!!!
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Strength/Skill: Kipping Pull up technique Nikki’s B-Day WOD: “Fran” (w/Dumbbells) 21-15-9 DB Thruster Pull up Additional:  
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Strength/Skill 200 Meters Sprints x 4 Rest 2 min between rounds WOD: 3 Rounds for Time: 15 Hand Release Push ups 20 Paralette Dips 25 KB Swings 55#/35# Extra Credit: 50 Burpees for time
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