WOD As many rds as possible in 10 minutes of: 5 Hang power Clean 95#/65# 5 Ring Dips Rest 3 minutes than do as many rds as possible in 10 minuts of: 5 Push Jerk 85#/55# 5 Pull Ups Results: Aaron 10+8 Rxd, 10+5 Rxd Jake 12 (85), 10+5 Rxd Cory 10+5 (55) Brian 10...Read More
Strength: 5 Rds Not for Time: 8 Bench Press 10 Strict Reverse Grip Pull Ups WOD: “Cardio Gone Bad” 3 Rds 1 Min ea exercise: Row (Calories) Mountain Climbers 20 yard Shuttle Run Burpees Rest *With a continuous clock perform ea. exercise for the duration. Coach will indicate when to rotate stations, move immediately to the next...Read More
Rest Day Happy Fathers Day to all the dad’s out there. Enjoy your day today, I hope you know that your kids and family appreciate everything that you do. To my own dad I know the gym would still be only a dream if it wasn’t for all the support and hard work you put in during...Read More
Starting next week we will be adding an additional skills session or a “work on things you suck at class” at 8 am. However, this week we will have our normal 9 and 10 class sessions. WOD: With a partner and a plate 45#/25# perform 3 Rds for time of: 40 Ground to Over Head 40 Squat 40 Bent over Row 20 Ax...Read More
Skill Work: 5 rds as many reps as possible in 45 seconds of: Anchored sit ups Hip extension Rest WOD Death by 10 yards: *With a running clock, the first minute run 10 yrds. The second minute run 20 yrds. Continue adding 10 yrds to the run each minute, go until you are no longer...Read More
Skill Work: 2 Rds of: Length of the gym Walk on your hands Handstand Hold (60 seconds) * There is no time component to the workout. The handstand hold is acculuated time, and don’t rush the handstand walk make sure you get your balance and take one step at a time. WOD: Squat Clean * Every minute...Read More
Skill Work: 3 Rds For Time: 8 Ring Dips 6 Pull Ups WOD: 20-15-10-5 For Time: Thrusters 85#/55# Box Jump This WOD is a shorter metcon, therefore your goal for this should be to do the box jumps unbroken. Results: Skill Work: Aaron 3:18 Shannon 3:43 Jake: 3:33 Jolene: 4:44 Miss E: 5:08 Court: 3:03 WOD: Aaron: 8:36 as...Read More
Rest: I want to say enjoy the sun today, but that doesn’t fit! Great work yesterday! Can’t wait to see you all Monday morning! Aaron and Shannon we hope you had fun in Vegas, but not too much fun!Read More