
Strength WOD: Bench Press 6 x 15 2 x 15 Close Grip 2 x 15 Thumb width from knurling 2 x 15 Pinky on ring WOD: 5 Rds for time: Deadlift x 7  225#/135# Pull Ups x 9 Knee to Elbow x 11 Post WOD: Rope Stretching Series Results: Karmen 17:24 95# George 20:27 as RX’d Rick 22:17  165# Court 15:09 as RX’d Shannon 15:00 165# Susan 19:22 as RX’d Crystal 24:20 115# Jolene 17:53 75#
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While  Brandon and I were doing our grocery shopping yesterday, which we do every Sunday, we got to talking about how much money we save by buying good food, having it prepared and ready to eat. Made me think about a lot of comments that I have heard in the past, well not comments but more less excuse why someone is “not able” to eat healthy. One of the the excuses I have heard is, “It cost too much and I can’t afford it.”  Lets talk about this for a minute, I won’t even dwell on the obvious, like if you don’t take care of yourself now I can GUARANTEE you will spend more in doctor visits in e futur. It seems to me, that it should be a pretty easy concepts for everyone to grasp that prevention is cheaper than medication.  Lets talk about hard numbers of good/clean food vs. processed, fast food,...
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Skill Work: Clean position and first two pulls work Barbell Pull from ground 5 x 5 Barbell High Pull 5 x 5 Double Under Practice WOD: For Time: 30 KB Swings 55#/35# 20 Double Unders 30 DB Push Press 35#/20# 20 Double Unders 20 KB Swings 55#/35# 20 Double Unders 20 Push Press 35#/20# 20 Double Unders 10 KB Swings 55#/35# 20 Double Unders 10 Push Press 35#/20# 20 Double Unders Extra Credit: At Coaches discretion Results: Shannon 17:40 35#KB, 30# Push press Jake 19:34 35#KB, 30# Push Press George 13:34 30# Push press, and tuck jumps Rick 22:00 35# KB, 30 Push press Court 14:12 as RX’d Crystal 16:00  40 single jumps instead of double unders Susan 15:22 30#KB,  and tuck jumps Karmen 15:21 30#Kb and tuck jumps
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Rest! Enjoy your day in the Colorado sun.
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We are running two classes tomorrow morning. 9am and 10am, open to everyone, and FREE if it’s your first WOD with us! For Time: 50 Push-ups 40 Weighted sit-up 30 Lunges 20 Pull-ups 10 Burpees 1 mile run 10 Burpees 20 Pull-ups 30 Lunges 40 Weighted sit-ups 50 Push-ups Results: Courtney 19:02 Aaron 24:42 Susan 25:05 Jake 26:12 Karmen 29:40 Jolene 30:59 Shannon 32:39 Great work everyone! Happy 11th Anniversary to Karmen and Shannon! Thanks for spending your morning with us! Exactly how you are supposed to feel after the WOD! Great job Rick! Below is a map of the course we’re going to use:
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