Skill Work: 2 Rds of: Length of the gym Walk on your hands Handstand Hold (60 seconds) * There is no time component to the workout. The handstand hold is acculuated time, and don’t rush the handstand walk make sure you get your balance and take one step at a time. WOD: Squat Clean * Every minute on the minute perform 3 squat cleans, men starting with 45# women with 35#. For the second minute men increase the weight 10# women increase 5#, so go up to 55#/ 40# and perform 3 repetitions. Continue with this sequence every minute increasing the weight 10# with every successful attempt. However, when you are no longer able to complete 3 repetitions in that minute drop down to 1 repetition and continue as long as you are able. Ex (135 x 3, 145 x 3, 155 x 3, 165 x 1, 175 x 1, 185 x 1, 195 fail)....
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