
Skill Work: 2 Rds of: Length of the gym Walk on your hands Handstand Hold (60 seconds) * There is no time component to the workout.  The handstand hold is acculuated time, and don’t rush the handstand walk make sure you get your balance and take one step at a time. WOD: Squat Clean * Every minute on the minute perform 3 squat cleans, men starting with 45# women with 35#.  For the second minute men increase the weight 10# women increase 5#, so go up to 55#/ 40# and perform 3 repetitions.  Continue with this sequence every minute increasing the weight 10# with every successful attempt.  However, when you are no longer able to complete 3 repetitions in that minute drop down to 1 repetition and continue as long as you are able. Ex (135 x 3, 145 x 3, 155 x 3, 165 x 1, 175 x 1, 185 x 1, 195 fail)....
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Skill Work: 3 Rds For Time: 8 Ring Dips 6 Pull Ups WOD: 20-15-10-5 For Time: Thrusters 85#/55# Box Jump This WOD is a shorter metcon, therefore your goal for this should be to do the box jumps unbroken. Results: Skill Work: Aaron 3:18 Shannon 3:43 Jake: 3:33 Jolene: 4:44 Miss E: 5:08 Court: 3:03 WOD: Aaron: 8:36 as Rx’d George 9:49 as Rx’d Shannon: 8:18 75# Jake: 8:09 75# Jonlene: 9:58 35# Court: 8:29 as rx’d
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Rest: I want to say enjoy the sun today, but that doesn’t fit! Great work yesterday! Can’t wait to see you all Monday morning! Aaron and Shannon we hope you had fun in Vegas, but not too much fun!
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Skill Work Kettle bell Work/Warm Up Around the World Pass KB Snatch KB American Swing KB Single Arm Russian Swing Alt KB Swing High Pull to Squat “Kettlebell WOD” As Many Rds as Possible in 15 minutes of: 5 American Swing 5 Snatch each arm 5 Shoulder Press each arm 5 Russian Swing 5 Russian Swing to High Pull 5 Russian Swing to High Pull Squat We were planing on going outside but decided against it. Today’s WOD was different but fun. Great work everyone, many of you have never used a KB before and you did great! Results: Jolene: 6 Rds + 5 Press(20lbs) Jake: 9 Rds + 6 Snatch (35llb) Ms. E: 6 Rds + 5 American Swing (20lbs) JB: 6 Rds + 5 Press (20lbs) Jay: 5 Rds + 5 snatch right arm (20lbs) Athena: 5 Rds + 5 snatch right arm (15lbs) Julie: 5 Rds + 5...
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Benchmark Friday “Cindy” As Many Rds as Possible in 2o min: 5 Pull-Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Squats Extra Credit 2 Rds of: 30 Hip Extension 25 V-Ups Stretching Results: Jake 17 Rounds George 15 rounds Court 21 rounds + 5 pull-ups We want to welcome Amie and Andrea to the gym! Watch out 5:15am boys you have some girl competition coming in! Jolene killing her KB swings!
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