WOD: 3 Rds As Many Reps as Possible in 1 minute of: Tire Flip KB Sumo Deadlift High-pulls 55#/35# Box Jump/Step Up 20″ MB Slam 20#/15# Russian Twist 20#/14# Rest Results: Numbers listed as reps per round Ed: 110, 98, 95=303 Julie: 92, 87, 93 =272 Cory: 116, 89, 77 =282 Ryan: 153,101, 94 =348 Jay: 100, 100, 94 =294 Athena: 123, 109, 114 =346 Kathy: 60, 72, 74 =141 Jake: 127, 143, 135 =405 (moved up to bigger tires each round) Chris: 83, 83, 84=250 (moved up to bigger tires each round) Court: 156, 143, 147 =446 (moved up to bigger tire for round 2/3) Cajeme: 116, 89, 77 =282 (moved up to biggest tire for round 2/3) Jolene: 115, 122, 128=365 Justin 154, 187, 191 = 532 (modifed med ball slam to box, RDL, step up, modified SDHP due to blown ACL’s) Randy: 87, 95, 95 =277 (1st...
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