
Rest Day Happy 4th of July everyone.  Great Job this week, enjoy your day off.
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WOD: 3 Rds As Many Reps as Possible in 1 minute of: Tire Flip KB Sumo Deadlift High-pulls 55#/35# Box Jump/Step Up 20″ MB Slam 20#/15# Russian Twist 20#/14# Rest Results: Numbers listed as reps per round Ed: 110, 98, 95=303 Julie: 92, 87, 93 =272 Cory: 116, 89, 77 =282 Ryan: 153,101, 94 =348 Jay: 100, 100, 94 =294 Athena: 123, 109, 114 =346 Kathy: 60, 72, 74 =141 Jake: 127, 143, 135 =405 (moved up to bigger tires each round) Chris: 83, 83, 84=250 (moved up to bigger tires each round) Court: 156, 143, 147 =446 (moved up to bigger tire for round 2/3) Cajeme: 116, 89, 77 =282 (moved up to biggest tire for round 2/3) Jolene: 115, 122, 128=365 Justin 154, 187, 191 = 532 (modifed med ball slam to box, RDL, step up, modified SDHP due to blown ACL’s) Randy: 87, 95, 95 =277 (1st...
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Benchmark Friday WOD: “Lynne” 5 Rounds Not for time of: AMAP BW Bench Press AMAP Pull-up Score total reps *AMAP = As many as possible Extra Credit: 30-25-20-15-10-5 Butterfly Sit ups Sky divers Russ getting after “Lynne” Sorry for the delay in posting results, didn’t realize they weren’t up! Everyone did awesome with the WOD. Had a lot of max pull-ups ever done today! Brandon got his max pullups at 40, Court did at 20, Jake at 21, George at 17, and Russ rocked it with 17 with a band, but he had a break through on the kipping motion! Solid work everyone it was fun to see everyone really push today! Jake : 160# (85%BW) 15, 11, 12, 8, 5 = 49       Pull-ups 21, 15, 13, 16, 13 = 78                  Total Reps =127 Brandon: 170# as Rx’d 25, 21, 20, 17, 16 =99 Pull-ups 40,31, 27, 25, 30=153                 Total Reps =252 Russ: 125# (65%BW) 15,...
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We will be doing normal Saturday schedule with the 9am and 10:05 class! Closed Sunday Running a modified schedule on Monday since most of you have the day off! Monday we will be doing a 9am and 10am only!
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It has been a great week, full of LOTS of tough workouts. I just wanted to take a minute and congratulate EVERYONE on working so hard this week! We have had a lot of strength and then a crazy endurance workout yesterday and everyone has really pushed themselves and broken through a lot of mental barriers, so you need to be proud of yourselves! NEXT NUTRITION SEMINAR IS JULY 13TH (TUESDAY) AT 6:30! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC We will be focusing a little more on the Paleo diet and the ideology behind it as well as how to apply it to the Zone if you are doing the Zone already!  This is free and open to the public so if you have friends that would like to learn more about how to eat for health, weight loss and performance, bring them with ya! YOGA IS COMING TO SURGE! We  are...
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