
Great job to everyone yesterday.  I especially want to say great work to the early A.M. crew who despite the coaches mishap and missing the WOD managed to rally and get the workout done.  Great work and great dedication to all of you. Skill/Strength: 10 Minutes of Pistol Work WOD: “Edna’s B-Day” 4 Rds For Time of: 7 Hang Clean 135#/95# 24 Wall Squats 40 Sky Divers * Wall squats are performed by standing about 6 inches away from the wall with your hands over your head, keep your arms extended and perform a squat.  Perform a full range squat WITHOUT touching the wall.  Make sure your focus on activating your abdominal and low back. Extra great job by Karmen today, who came in second beating all the girls and all but one guy,  all while using 15# more on her clean than she has done before!
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Skill: 10 Minutes to find your max height box jump. WOD: For Time: 150 Push Ups * Perform as many push ups as you can, you can rest in a locked out position or hold anyway you can so long as you don’t drop.  Once you drop you have to sprint 230 meters, then continue push ups.  Once 150 are complete your finished. Extra Credit: Foam Roll Band Stretch Series Congrats to David, who at his first Surge class showed us all up with his 52″ box jump! Video to follow. Solid work and welcome David!
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Strength: AMRAP in 7 Minutes: 10 Good Mornings 65#/35# 10 DB Skull Crushers 25#/15# WOD: “Deck of Cards” Diamonds = Wall Balls Spades = KB Swings 55#/35# Clubs = Pull Ups Hearts = Burpees * Suites represent a given exercise, the number on the card equals the reps to be performed.  Jacks = 12 reps, Queens = 14 reps, Kings = 16 reps, Aces = 20 reps.
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WOD: Team Workout!!!
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