
Strength: Deadlift 5-3-2-1-1-1 WOD: AMRAP in 4 Minutes: 6 Wall Ball 20#/14# 4 Deadlift 225#/135# * Rest 90 seconds between Rds Repeat for a total of 3 Rds Strenght Results: Jake 205-225-255-275-295-300 Shannon 205-225-275-295-300 Jess 95-145-195-215-215 Amie 95-145-165-185-205-225 Courtney S 135-155-175-180-185 Justin 165-225-275 Susan 135-155-175-185-195-205 Rick 205-225-245-265-285-305 Jolene 95-115-135-155-165-175 Huge congrats to everyone today. I know that we had almost everyone set a new PR today which is awesome! Super excited to have most of the guys over 300# and lots of ladies over or pushing 200#. Wanted to say an extra congrats to Jolene who pulled 175# and her max before was close to 135#, so nice work girl! WOD Results: Jake Rd 1: 5+8 Rd 2: 4+4 Rd 3: 4+6  Rx’d Shannon Rd 1 4  Rd 2: 3+7  Rd 3: 4    Rx’d Jess Rd 1: 4  Rd 2: 3+6  Rd 3: 3+6   Rx’d Amie Rd 1:4 Rd 2: 4 Rd 3: 4  Rx’d Aaron...
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Congrats to Justin who stayed after yesterday and was able to get his first Muscle Up.  Check out the link below to watch the video.  He worked hard on it and made it look easy, great job man. Justin’s First Muscle Up Strength: Bench Press 8-6-4-2 GHD Sit Ups 3 x 20 WOD: 3 Rds For Time: 30 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull 55#/35# 20 Hand Release Push Ups 200 Meter Run Strenght & WOD Results: Amie 75-95-105-115   10:46n Rx’d Shannon 155-175-195-225  9:49 Rx’d Jake 155-185-205-225  8:53 Rx’d Aaron 65-75-75-85 (one arm) 9:33  Jess 75-95-115-135  11:06 Rx’d George 135-155-185-205 9:43 Rx’d Jacob 135-155-185-205-215  13:54 Justin 135-185-205×2 201 10:26 Rx’d Nick 95-115-135-145  10:41 Jason 135-165-195-220-230 15:17 Crytal 45-65-85-100  12:11 Rx’d Susan 65-75-80-85  9:33 Rx’d Edna  65-95-115-135   12:03 Rx’d Cajeme 135-155-185-205 Rx’d Zach 135-155-185-225  7:43 Rx’d Karmen 75-85-90-95  11:03 Rx’d Courtney S 75-85-95-105  8:16 Rx’d
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Let today start your week or even start the habits that are going to make the difference in your life.  Showing up is more than half the battle, no matter what it is in life.  Whatever it means to you to “show up” do it.  Don’t let yourself  or others convenience you otherwise, there are no excuses or reason’s for you not to change your day, week, or life.  Let it all start today. WOD: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 DB Clean 40#/25# DB Split Jerk 40#/25#
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WOD: 2 Person Team WOD: AMRAP in 20 Minutes 150 Double Unders (Complete as a Team) When Done Complete Max Rds of 8 KB Swings 55#/35# 6 Box Jumps 4 Burpees * Only one Partner may work at a time.  Partner must finish entire round before next partner may start.
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