Saturday 100814


2 Person Team WOD:

AMRAP in 20 Minutes

  • 150 Double Unders (Complete as a Team)
  • When Done Complete Max Rds of
  • 8 KB Swings 55#/35#
  • 6 Box Jumps
  • 4 Burpees

* Only one Partner may work at a time.  Partner must finish entire round before next partner may start.

Jess rocking the 55lbs KB. Such a stud!
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1 Response
  1. Aaron

    2 Person Team WOD:

    AMRAP in 20 Minutes

    150 Double Unders (Complete as a Team)
    When Done Complete Max Rds of
    8 KB Swings 55# (single arm)
    6 Box Jumps
    4 Burpees (subbed single arm, 40# DB snatch)
    * Only one Partner may work at a time. Partner must finish entire round before next partner may start

    Total = 18 rounds + 1 KB swing

    Amie, you were an awesome partner today. The way you rocked that last round in under a minute was outstanding!!!!