
  Thank you to everyone who came out for the nutrition seminar last night.  It was review for some of you but we were able to cover some new material as well.  As for the challenge, we decided as a group last night to post pone the start of the challenge til after the holiday weekend.  Therefore, starting next Tuesday we will be starting the “30 Day Zone Challenge.”  In addition on Tuesday we will be taking all participants weights and measurements, to accurately see every one’s process throughout the month.  If your not going to be able to make it to the gym on Tuesday or Wednesday and if your following from home you can email Courtney or I your results.  Rules for the event are as follows: All participants must keep an up to date food journal of everything in which they eat or drink. All entries in the journal need to included time...
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Remember tonight at 6:30 we will be hosting our 3rd Free Nutrition Seminar. Following the seminar we will be starting a “30 day Zone Challenge.” If you’re unable to attend we will post all the information regarding the challenge. WOD: AMRAP in 10 Minutes of: 4 DB Deadlift 8 DB Hang Power Clean 40#/25# 12 Double Unders Extra Credit: 2 Rds NFT: 15 Butterfly Sit ups 15 Hip Extenstions 15 V-Ups 15 DB RDL Mobility WOD:
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Throughout the month of October the Functional Fitness Journal is sponsoring “Amazing Grace,”  which is a fundraiser to help women who either are of low-income, or are uninsured.  All participants of this event will perform “Grace,” which is one of the named Functional Fitness works where you perform 30 Clean and Jerks for time. 100% of the proceeds from this fundraiser will go to Mammograms in Action. Mammograms in Action is a non-profit organization located in Lake Forest, CA. Their mission is to provide funding for qualified women who need screening and/or diagnostic procedures in the prevention of breast cancer. We heard about this great event and we felt we had to get involve. Each participating Functional Fitness Affiliate will be hosting the event of a given day during the month of October. If you have any further questions please check out AMAZING GRACE AT CROSSFIT SURGE IS SATURDAY OCTOBER 16TH! MARK...
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Tomorrow Thursday Sept. 2nd at 6:30 pm we will be hosting a free nutrition seminar.  Please feel free to contact or write on the comment page if you have any questions.  Also do to scheldules changing we will not be offering the 12:30 session except for Friday’s.  If we start to get more of a push for this time again we will be more than happy of offer it again.
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Great job thus far this week everyone.  Each day we’re getting better so keep up the hard work on both the WOD and the Mobility WODs.  Below is a write up from Lisbeth Darsh of Functional Fitness Watertown, I read this and it truly hit home as to why we all struggle and push everyday to make ourselves better. This is my gym. These bars are my bars. When I put more bumpers on the ends, I get stronger. But when I take heavy weight off, I can go faster. These rings are my rings. When I am strong, I can hold my arms out farther and test my strength. But when I am weaker, I draw everything close and just hang on. This iron is my iron. The weight I try to lift in this life. It hurts me but it makes me grow. I’m stronger now than I...
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