
Strength: Deadlift 1×6 @ 70% 1×6 @ 78% 1×6 @ 83% 1×6+@ 75% WOD: 10-20-30 For Time: Wall Ball 20#/14# Sumo Deadlift High Pull 95#/65# * The Wall Balls are to be UNBROKEN.  By UNBROKEN we mean that you’re not allowed to drop the med ball.  Each time you drop the ball there is a 3 burpee penalty that needs to be performed on the spot.  Coaches Thoughts, on today! Well first congrats to everyone on rocking the Wall Balls, there were only two penalties paid today, and one was by Amber M, who has never done WB and today was only her 3 CF WOD! What we learned today is that you are all better at WB’s than you give yourself credit for! Heard some great quotes today: From Jake H, who is a Denver police officer. He said that you get in a foot chase usually about once every 6...
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Rest Day: Schedule change! As of this coming Friday we will be offering one night class at 5:45! Hope to see you all there!
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WOD: With a Partner Perform 5 Rds 30 secs of work with 30 secs of rest at each station Tire Flips Resisted Lateral Shuffle Elevated Push Up KB Swings Weighted Captain Chair Knees to Elbows Coaches thoughts! Today was a smaller showing, must have been a hard week for everyone or just a good day to slep in. For those of you that did show it was a fun day and a little different. Wanted to say welcome and welcome back to Tera and to Pat. It was the second WOD for both of you and you both did awesome. We are excited that we are going to see you both more often!
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We’re going to start something new at CFS.  Each day we will be looking back on the day and reflecting on the results and provide some highlights that occurred throughout the day. Today was a great test over what we’ve worked on throughout this week, the clean.  Today was a little different since we haven’t worked a ton on squat clean.  Court and I were extremely proud of everyone who came in and attacked this WOD.  As for what we all need to work on: getting a good pull and hip extension and than drive and push your self under the weight.  We saw a lot people getting better explosion and speed on the bar, but when it came time to push your seleves under the weight many of you had trouble with that.  Therefore that’s just something we’re going to have to all work on, because we can all get better.  The clean...
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Benchmark Friday!!! We need every one’s help to participate and contribute in the fight against breast cancer.  Go to www.barbellsforboobs.orgasap and sign up for Amazing Grace on October 16th.  Make sure you sign up under Surge Elite Performance & Fitness.  We need as many people to participate in this event, it’s for a great cause and it’s going to be a blast as well.  Please tell your friends and family as well.  We understand that most of the population has never performed a clean or a jerk, therefore we are going to be holding seminars on proper form and technique so everyone can participate in the event.  In addition if you’re unable to make the event you can still donate.  If you have any questions let us know. Badger 3 Rds For Time: 30 Squat Cleans 95#/65# 30 Pull Ups 800 Meter Run In honor of Navy Chief Petty Officer...
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