
WOD: AMRAP in 15 Minutes: 5 Single Arm KB Swing High Pulls RT Arm 5 Single Arm KB Swing High Pulls LT Arm 7 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 9 Front Lever Coaches Thoughts: Today was a little change from our usual programing.  Today’s AMRAP combined a lot of control and mid-line stability.  The point of today was to actively teach all out athletes how to properly engage their core while moving and stabilizing themselves.  Great job to Jake H and George, both of you did awesome with the lever.  You stayed tight and controlled the movement all the way through.
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    Strength: Bench -working off 90% of 1RM 5 @ 65%, 5@ 70%, 5@ 75%, 5 + @ 80% WOD:   AMRAP in 20 min of: Run 400 meters Rest 90 seconds Coaches Thoughts!Congrats to Amie, Val and Edna for not walking on all the 400’s today! The  award for consistency goes to Susan who was within 4 secs of her times, with 4 or 5 of the times exactly the same. Aaron, her husband followed right behind her in the consistency not quite as dead on, however Aaron gets the award for going over and beyond today. He did 7 rounds but when time was over ran an 8th just so that he would have 2 miles. However Aaron, I am calling you out for sandbagging in runs up until this point. You have proven now that you can run with good speed and we expect to see that pace...
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Strength: Overhead squat 5-4-3-2-1 WOD: 9 Overhead Squats 95#/65# 21 Wall Balls 15 Overhead Squats 15 Wall Balls 21 Overhead Squats 9 Walls Balls Coaches Thoughts: George had a breakthrough on WB’s today.. figured out he was too close to the wall, go figure. Nice work on getting them unbroken! We had a lot of PR’s today on OH squat, one of which was Brandon at 265, good work coach!  Jake H, you get the award for the most diligent work on form.  Pretty sure you did 200 squats today, but you made vast improvements! Chris, tried 4 times before he was able to get his new max of 175, that’s what we like to see, if you fail try, try again! Julie got a 1 rep max on clean while doing OH squat, nothing like working toward Grace this weekend! Congrats to everyone that got  PR’s today, Amie, Shannon, Karmen,...
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WOD: Partner WOD AMRAP IN 3 MIN PER STATION: At each station one partner will complete  the endurance portion of the AMRAP while the other partner completes the strength or skill portion of the AMRAP.  Each group will complete 6 min at each station before moving to the next station. There will be a 1 minute rest period between stations. Station 1 Row for max calories 5 hang clean 135#/95# 10 Push-ups  Station 2 Double Under 5 Pull ups 10 squats  Station 3 Shuttle Run 5 Box Jumps 1o KB swings 35#/55# Station 4 (if needed) Handstand/Headstand hold 5 Burpess 10 Sit ups Quote from Nate who visited us for a few weeks!  Looks like things are going great with your WOD’s. I have been reading your daily postings and it has been great to see all the good things that are happening. Congratulations to Jason for his time on Grace for never...
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