Monday 101011

WOD: Partner WOD

AMRAP IN 3 MIN PER STATION: At each station one partner will complete  the endurance portion of the AMRAP while the other partner completes the strength or skill portion of the AMRAP.  Each group will complete 6 min at each station before moving to the next station. There will be a 1 minute rest period between stations.

Station 1

  • Row for max calories
  • 5 hang clean 135#/95#
  • 10 Push-ups

 Station 2

  • Double Under
  • 5 Pull ups
  • 10 squats

 Station 3

  • Shuttle Run
  • 5 Box Jumps
  • 1o KB swings 35#/55#

Station 4 (if needed)

  • Handstand/Headstand hold
  • 5 Burpess
  • 10 Sit ups

Quote from Nate who visited us for a few weeks!  Looks like things are going great with your WOD’s. I have been reading your daily postings and it has been great to see all the good things that are happening. Congratulations to Jason for his time on Grace for never have doing it before. It was great to see all the progress that has been made from the last time you did the WOD. Also congratulations also to Courtney V on her PR for her Push Jerk. She is one awesome and powerful woman.

Coaches Thoughts: I think everyone had a great time today, but I have to say that I have never had to explain and re-explain myself before in a WOD!  Not sure why everyone wanted to to make the logistics so complicated, but it happens. I think Chris has the quote of the day when he asked, “Are you all speaking English here? Why is this so hard?”.  There were a couple of athletes that really stood out today. Nick had his first full WOD with unassisted pull ups! Solid work buddy and I think you have mastered the kip!  Congrats to Jamie who is down to 200lbs! He started at 232 in May, and has been consistent with his work and diet, and it goes to show it all pays off!


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