Incorporating and prescribing tempo in your training is a great way to change things up or to make sure you’re targeting your specific area of need. Whether you’re a young-newbie exerciser or seasoned trained athlete incorporating tempo training can be a very beneficial tool. For newer athletes and exercisers, we have found that prescribing tempo allows the person to shift their focus from the weight they’re using to the time under tension, engagement and movement quality. For example, we can prescribe a tempo of 3 seconds eccentric (going with gravity), a 2 second isometric (pause in the bottom of the eccentric), 1 second concentric (going against gravity), followed by a 1 second isometric pause at the top of the concentric. We can incorporate different types of tempos to focus on different components of an exercise or addressing specific areas of need for the given athlete. Not only is prescribing tempo...
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