Wednesday 110216


As a Team Complete the following for time:

  • Row
  • Deadlifts 185#/125#
  • Double Unders
  • Rope Climb
  • Sit Ups
  • Burpee

*Coaches will decide rep scheme at the beginning of class.  Make sure you communicate with your team and work together.

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2 Responses
  1. Aaron

    For time:
    Surge to bike path & back
    40 squats
    Surge to church & back
    30 squats
    Surge to car wash & back
    20 squats
    Surge to 104th & back
    10 squats

    Time = 19:27

  2. I don’t remember how many reps we needed for each exercise. Our group included me, Nikki, Josh, and Cindy. Our time was 23:37 – I think. Good workout; and I still like rope climbs! 🙂