
July 12, 2013
We have 9 teams competing in Lift the Rockies at Functional Fitness Defy in Broomfield. The first heat is at 9:00 and the last is at 4:45. Since we have so many teams competing we will not have a 9:30 class on Saturday. We will be having the 7:00 am competition class and the 8:30....
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Essentials Strength/Skill: Warm Up: With a Partner Perform 4 Sets Each: :20 Seconds Partner Toe Throwdown :20 Seconds Partner Anchored Sit Ups :20 Rest to Transition Partners Strength: Skill: WOD: In Teams of 2 Complete For Time: 100 Wall Ball 300m Farmers Carry (AHAP, Switch as often as needed) 300 Double Unders 300m Farmers Carry...
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