
November 19, 2012
Strength/Skill: Warm up: 3 rounds NFT Ring Dips x 8-12 Double Unders x 15-30 Strength: 3 Sets: Bent Over Row x 6-8 @1111[ RDL x 6-8 @2121 Skill: Rope Climb Malcolm’s B-Day WOD: For Time: 60 Russian KB Swings 1 Rope Climb 50 Sit Ups 2 Rope Climb 40 Burpees 3 Rope Climb 30 Hand...
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  Strength/Skill: Warm up: 3 rounds NFT Hand Release Push up x 8-10 Pull ups-(strict if possible) x 4-6 Box Jump x 8-10 Strength: 3 sets at the top of every 2 min Front Squat x 5 HSPU x-8-12 WOD: The Buffet: For max reps at 10 stations:Athlete will have 45 seconds at each station,...
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We will be open for 1 class on Thursday @ 9:00 , it will be a fun team WOD, and the coaches will be working out with class as well 🙂 Friday- Holiday Schedule 8:30 & 9:30 Saturday- normal hours, 8:30 & 9:30 We hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and get to spend some...
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