Monday 121119



Warm up: 3 rounds NFT

  • Hand Release Push up x 8-10
  • Pull ups-(strict if possible) x 4-6
  • Box Jump x 8-10

Strength: 3 sets at the top of every 2 min

  • Front Squat x 5
  • HSPU x-8-12

The Buffet:
For max reps at 10 stations:Athlete will have 45 seconds at each station, with 15 seconds of rest between stations.

  1. Power clean |
  2. Toes to bar
  3. Box jump 24/20”
  4. Burpee pull-up
  5. Dumbbell Push press/jerk 35/25#
  6. Double Under
  7. Thruster 115/75
  8. Pullup
  9. Burpee
  10. Overhead plate lunge 45/25#’s


  • Mobility