Skill/Strength: 3 Sets: Unbroken KB Swings x 20-30 Rest 30 Seconds Bulgarian Squat x 8-12 ea Rest 30 Seconds Max Rep Pull Up/Supine Row (at least 6-10 reps) Rest 1 minute WOD: For Time: 150 Push Ups *Athletes may rest in a plank position, once athletes are no longer allowed to continue or rest in...Read More
Skill/Strength: Snatch Balance 3×3 (3 Reps top every 60 Seconds) Hang Snatch 5×3 (3 Reps top every 90 Seconds) Snatch Deadlift 3×3@3131 (3 second count to above knee quick pull to hip pause, 3 second count back down to floor) WOD: For Time: 30 Overhead Squat 135/95 600 Meter Run 20 Squat Cleans 600...Read More
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