
February 6, 2012
Strength/Skill:   Courtney’S B-Day WOD: AMRAP in 3:30/7 min/For Time: 35 Double Unders 7 Power Clean 155/105 35 KB Swings 55/35 7 Handstand Push Ups 35 Sit Ups 7 Burpee Pull Ups 35 Wall Balls 7 Pistols ea 35 Box Jumps 7 Muscle Ups 35 Deadlift 205/140 7 Thrusters 135/95 35 KB Sumo Deadlift High...
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Skills 5 Rounds Try to progress each round of kipping swings into kipping pull ups Kipping swings x 10 Sit ups with wall ball x10 WOD: AMRAP 25min  Buy in: 50 box jump up and over is 1 With remaining time: 3 pull up 6 hand release push up 9 KB swing
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