
January 20, 2012
Strength/Skill:   WOD: With a Partner Complete: 400 Meter DB Overhead Carry 100 Hand Release Push Ups 50 Cleans 400 Meter DB Overhead Carry *Only one person is allowed to carry DB’s Overhead at a time.  Every time the DB’s drop or partners swith each person must perform 5 burpees before resuming the carry. Additional: Mobility
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Strength/Skill:  3 Position Snatch Full/Above Knee/Mid Thigh 3×3 ea 3 Position Clean + Jerk Full/Above Knee/Mid Thigh 3×3+1 Amie’s B-Day WOD: For Time: 200 Meter Run 31 Power Snatch 115/80 200 Meter Run 31 Clean & Jerks 200 Meter Run Additional: Mobility
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We had a hiccup in coaching for open gym for the last few weeks but we will officially be holding Open gym every Sunday from 9-11. Justin will be there coaching and helping with anything that you need! Please don’t let him be alone on Sundays! Remember open gym is a great time to practice...
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Strength/ Skill KB warm up  Around the world Russian swings L/R Wind mills Progression to KB snatch Partner WOD Each partner completes the following the score is the total reps for both partners and all exercises:  Run 200 Sumo Dead High Pull Run 200 Push Ups Run 200 Wall Balls Run 200 Box Jumps Essentials
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