
January 17, 2012
Reminder this Thursday at 6:15 pm we will be holding our first two part seminar.   We will be discussing Nutrition (Paleo/Zone), along with goal setting and ways to succeed.  Part II will be held next week on Thursday at the same time.  This is going to be extremely beneficial so we highly encourage everyone to...
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Strength/Skill: Skills quick tabata Air squats 20 on 10 off 6 rds Sit ups. 20 on 10 off. 4 rds Push ups 20 on 10 off 2 rds WOD :   9 min AMRAP 3 Dumbell Push Press 6 Pull ups 12 Renegade Row
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Strength/Skill:  4 Sets: Barbell Lunge x 8 ea @2101 3 Pos Bent Over Barbell Row x 5 (Close, thumb, wide) WOD: For Time: 42 Double Unders 36 Russian KB Swing 21 Back Squat 36 Double Unders 21 Russian KB Swing 15 Back Squat 21 Double Unders 15 Russian KB Swing 9 Back Squat Additional: “Iron Shoulder...
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