
December 16, 2011
Strength/Skill:   WOD:  3 Rds For Total Reps: 30 Seconds Wall Balls 30 Seconds KB Swings 30 Jumping Pull Ups 30 Seconds Squats 30 Seconds Push Up Rest 1 minute Additional: Mobility
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There will be the competition athlete WOD tomorrow morning at 10:30 for anyone who is following the competition programming. It is no mandatory and you can come to the 8:30 or 9:30 class is 10:30 doesn’t work for you. It’s gonna be a great WOD, so we hope to see lots of you there. Brandon...
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Strength/Skill:  1) Pose Drills 2) Perform 3 Overhead Squats each minute for 5 minutes. WOD:  Benchmark Friday!!!’ Make sure you bring warm cloths, just in case we decide to go outside. Additional: Hip Ext. 2 x 20 Mobility
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