
November 14, 2011
Strength/Skill:  3 Sets: Russian Step Ups x 8-10 ea Partner Assisted Hamstring Drops x 15-20  WOD:  AMRAP in 12 Minutes: 400 Meter Run 5 Deadlift (For Load) Additional: Mobility
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Thanks so much to Nikki, Amie and Scott for taking pictures and William for the video at Grace. Thanks to Nikki for putting together this awesome video!!!
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I guess it shouldn’t come to a surprise that we’re the luckiest people around.  It seems as if every time we hold an event or ask for help with anything from small to large tasks, we are constantly overwhelmed with the amount of support and help we receive from everyone.  Our goal has always been...
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WOD:  For time: 50 Sumo Dead High pull 65#/45# 50 Box Jumps 24″/20″ 50 Push-ups 50 sit ups 50 Jumping pull-ups  50 Back extensions  50 Dips  20 1.5 pood Turkish Get-up, 20 reps, alternating arms     Additional: Mobility
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