Winter WODfest drew to a close this afternoon, with smiles on everyone’s faces…well most of the time. Surge had 5 competitors with Brandon, JD, and Jason for the guys and Amie and Rachel for the ladies. This was a very unique competition because day two consisted of two WODS, both in and out of the pool. The pool was great for some and not so amazing for others, but it was interesting to watch all of the athletes across the board.
Saturday started with a plate(pinch) carry, double under and pull up triplet. JD was lucky enough, if you want to call it that, to be number 1 this weekend and go first on every WOD. Saturday morning was a bit daunting for Amie, JD and Rachel because they were all battling sickness in the way of head colds, chest colds and ear infections. However, they all pushed through and made us proud as always to call them Surge athletes. Double unders went well for all with Rachel (who is not a fan of them) getting her set of 30 unbroken. Brandon crushed the pull ups and as Christina said, “Pulled out the intimidation pull ups in warm up” . His butterfly pull ups have become blazing fast…the set of 15 took 17 sec! Rachel crushed the plate carry making everyone wonder if she had the right amount of weight. Amie did great as well but learned a lesson that we should all remember. STAY POSITIVE IN THE MOMENT!!! She came in the door from her first run and was already shaking her head! She defeated herself before she started. As we all know, self talk is huge, just ask Amie lol!
The second WOD was a ten minute AMRAP of 4 HSPU, 8 Squat cleans 135/95, and 12 ball tosses. On the ball tosses it was however you could get the ball to the ten foot line…WB without the squat. JD set the pace with 4 +20, making the wall toss look ridiculously easy. It was definitely better to be tall for that movement. Jason followed with 3 rounds which he was satisfied with because a year ago he couldn’t come close to doing 1 HSPU. Hard work does pay off! Brandon then came in and crushed it. The score to beat was 6 +9, and he got 1 shy of 6 rounds. However, if he had listened to my crazy screaming he could have won the event. Sadly the ball toss was the hardest part for Brandon…not great to be on the shorter side. He also was reminded that every second and every reps counts. A good thing for everyone doing the open to remember. On his transition from clean to the ball on round 5 he rested 25 second…which is what cost him the win. Amie was up next and showed an INCREDIBLE amount of heart. She got 2 HSPU off the bat and then hit a wall. Bless her heart she spend the next 10 minutes trying to get the last 2 HSPU. I could not have been more proud of Amie. She kept he head about her, continued to try and didn’t let it break he spirit. Rachel was last to go and got through 1 full round, which was a pleasant surprise to her. She did not think she was going to be able to get the 4 HSPU so she was stoked to get through the round.
WOD 3 was a ground to overhead ladder, with a twist. Your score was the total amount of weight lifted. Each athlete had 20 seconds at each bar and you had to lift it once but you could do as many reps as you could in the 20 secs. There was 10 seconds of rest to rotate and get right back on it. The guys started with 115# and ended with 275#. JD, again super excited to be first, led the pack and just missed his PR by a bar. His cold was getting the best of his energy by then. Jason then came in and CRUSHED IT! William happened to be his judge which just made it more fun. 275#, ya not big deal. Jason got a 10 or 20# PR(he’s not totally sure). I could have not been more proud of Jason and love seeing that awesome smile he has when he surprises himself! Brandon was last for the guys and also dominated. He got 265# like it was nothing. Got to the last bar of 275#, and missed the clean. He has it in him and had time to do it again, but his brain had checked out and he didn’t give it another go. Much to his coaches dismay! The ladder ended with Jason in 3rd overall and Brandon in 4th. They lifted over 5800# each. Pretty darn impressive! Amie lead the girls and got a PR, which looked easy, at 165#. It’s too bad that she isn’t very strong Only one girl got higher than she did with 175# Rachel came in with her determination and of course her smile, which is always present on Rach’s face. She got a C&J PR at 135# and then a clean PR at 145#. So fun to watch. Although, I think Mary and I did more work and burned more calories than the athletes because we were stressed for them and more nervous than I think any of them were. Coaching and cheering takes a lot out of you!
Today started with the JD White show! WOD #1 was 50 Plate ground to overhead with 45#plate for the guys and 25# plate for the ladies, and finished with 150m swim. JD was done with the GTO first and it and out of the pool in a flash with a time of 3:08. Which ended him first in the WOD by the time all was said and done. For everyone that thinks JD is a great runner, you should watch him swim! Just looks effortless and it silly fast! Jason followed, and kept telling me what a bad swimmer he was…he’s a liar. He did awesome finishing in 4 min and the toward the top of the pack. Brandon was next. For those of you that don’t know this Brandon literally learned how to swim this summer. JD was nice enough to teach him how to breath and give him some pointers on how not to drown this summer. That being said, swimming is by far Brandon’s Achilles heel. He did great on the ground to overhead, but the swim did not go as he had hoped. He started the first stroke with by taking in all water and no air..not a great start when you aren’t horribly comfortable in the water, and doesn’t set up you up to relax in the water after that. He finished the WOD, but was pretty upset with himself. I however, reminded him that 5 months ago he wouldn’t have even been able to do it, and that the whole reason he signed up was to get out of his comfort zone. It’s a good reminder for us all that we ALL have things that scare us and make us uncomfortable, but the more we face our fears the better athletes we become. Amie, who much like Jason told me that she didn’t know how to swim, got in the water and plugged along at a steady pace finishing 5 seconds under her goal time! Rachel finished off the day strong making easy work of the GTO and finishing with a great time even though she hit her head on the wall twice….note to self, put your hand out for the wall when doing back stroke!
Final WOD of the day was again JD domination, and he won that WOD as well. It was a combo of 50 Russian twists, 50 meter swim, 50 squats, 50 meters with the kick board, 50 HR push ups and 50 meters with the pull buoy. Of course JD made it all look easy. The rest of the gang also did great. Brandon regained his composer and proved to himself that the hard work has paid off and was relaxed in the water and did awesome!
Final results: Out of 70 Men
- JD : 6th Overall
- Brandon: 14th Overall
- Jason: 22nd Overall
Women’s (out of 42)
- Amie: 32nd Overall
- Rachel: 39th Overall
As always we are always blown away by how many of of Surge family come out to cheer each other on and support one another. We are so blessed to have a great family and such a close gym. You all make us so proud to call Surge our home and our family! Sportsmanship is another thing that we love about all of you. Everyone stayed to cheer on other athletes in their heats, held their heads high and exuded the spirit of Functional Fitness. As the sport grows we sadly see less of the comradery from gym to gym as we used to. Out goal is to help keep that spirit alive, so please remember to cheer on everyone, whether you know them or not! That is what CF is really all out!
Also I had to share this post from FB. I hope Amber doesn’t mind!
“Jason followed, and kept telling me what a bad swimmer he was…he’s a liar. ”
Congratulations to all the athletes! Wish I could’ve been there!