Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Warm Up:

  • Dynamic Warm Up


A) 8 Sets: (EMOM)

  • Clean x 1


AMRAP in 15 Minutes:

  • 200m Run
  • 15 Pull Ups
  • 200m Run
  • 15 Push Ups
  • 10 Minutes Mobility


Warm Up:

  • Dynamic Warm Up


A) 8 Sets: (EMOM)

Clean x 1

  • Set 1 = 70%
  • Set 2 = 75%
  • Set 3 = 80%
  • Set 4 = 85%
  • Set 5 = 88-90%
  • Set 6 = 90-92%
  • Sets 7-8 = Drop Set @ 92% minus 20# if 92% is above 265#, minus 10# if 92% is below 265#

B) 2 Sets: (Optional After WOD)

  • Elevated Push Up x 20-25
  • Wt. Stationary Dip x 15-20
  • Supinated Row x 15
  • Pendlay Row x 10

*If you’re unable to perform stationary dips, sub either ring or parallete push ups.


Justin Gilchrest’s B-Day WOD:
For Time:

  • 400m Run
  • 15 Bar Muscle Up
  • 15 Handstand Push Up
  • 400m Run
  • 30 Chest to Bar Pull Up
  • 30 Ring Dip
  • 400m Run
  • 60 Pull Ups
  • 60 Push Up
  • 400m Run


Warm Up:

  • Dynamic Warm Up


A) 8 Sets: (EMOM)

Clean x 1

  • Set 1 = 70%
  • Set 2 = 75%
  • Set 3 = 80%
  • Set 4 = 85%
  • Set 5 = 88-90%
  • Set 6 = 90-92%
  • Sets 7-8 = Drop Sets @ 92% minus 20# if 92% is above 265#, minus 10# if 92% is below 265#

B1) 5 Sets: (90 Seconds between sets 1 and 2, then 2:30 between 2-5. Super Set B1 and B2, start B2 after 2nd set of B1)

  • Back Squat x 3

If 1RM is below 395#

  • Set 1 = 70%
  • Sets 2-5 = 75%

If 1RM is above 395#

  • Set 1 = 65%
  • Sets 2-5 = 70%

*Goal is Linear progression each week. Goal 20# increase each week if 1RM is above 395#, and 10# increase each week if 1RM is below 395#.

B2) 4 Sets:

C) 3 Sets: (EMOM)

  • Fat Bar Overhead Walking Lunge x 8

*1 rep = 1 step. Start at 50% of 1RM Clean & Jerk. Linear progression each week. Goal 10# increase each week if 50% of 1RM is above 220#, and 5# increase each week if 50% is below 220#.

D) 2 Sets: (Optional After WOD)

  • Elevated Push Up x 20-25
  • Wt. Stationary Dip x 15-20
  • Supinated Row x 15
  • Pendlay Row x 10


For Time:

  • 400m Run
  • 15 Bar Muscle Up
  • 15 Handstand Push Up
  • 400m Run
  • 30 Chest to Bar Pull Up
  • 30 Ring Dip
  • 400m Run
  • 60 Pull Ups
  • 60 Push Up
  • 400m Run
  • 10 Minutes Mobility