Wednesday 111130

  • Snatch Grip Deadlift 2 x 3 (90-100% of 1 RM Snatch)
  • Muscle Snatch 2 x 3 (Work on Speed and Aggressive turn over)
  • Power Snatch + Overhead Squat 2 x 2+1 (Perform 2 Power Snatches followed by 1 Overhead Squat)
  • Full Snatch 2 x 2
7 Rds For Time and Total Load:

  • 35 Double Unders
  • 1 Snatch

*Athletes are allowed only one snatch attempt per round, therefore if you miss you must move on to the next round.  Therefore choose weight wisely.

  • “Iron Shoulder Series”
  • Side Plank Reverse Fly x 20 ea
  • Scapular Push Up x 15
  • TWYL x 10 ea
  • Side Ext. Rotation x 25 ea
  • Scapular Pull Up x 10
  • Scapular Wall Side x 10
  • Mobility

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