Wednesday 110824


3 Sets:

  • Unbroken Touch n Go Power Clean x 10

*Athletes must complete all 10 Reps for set to count, control the weight and work on form.


AMRAP Ladder in 12 Minutes:

  • 1 Power Clean
  • 1 Wall Ball
  • 2 Power Clean
  • 2 Wall Ball
  • 3 Power Clean
  • 3 Wall Ball
  • 4…4…5…5…ect
  • go as far as you can in 12 minutes

*Rx Weight equals 105% of heaviest successfully completed of all 10 reps during strength/skill.

*Open Athletes perform this wod at 80-85%, work on form and technique make every rep count.


6 Rds Tabata mash up (alternate exeercises)

  • KB Snatch
  • Hollow Rockers