- 5 Min of Hollow Rocker/Supermans- Score it toatl number of hollow rockers
Perform hollow rocker as long as you can but once you lose the position or break you must immediately roll over and hold a superman for 20 sec, then roll back over and go back into hollow rocker.
- Tabata Rolling Pistols – Score is total reps
If unable to complete rolling pistols, then perform assisted pistols with rings or band
4 Rounds for Time:
- 5 Push ups
- 5 Wide Push ups
- 5 Narrow Push ups
- 5 Lateral Push ups
- 5 Planche Push ups
50 burps after wod
AMRAP = 70
Tabata Pistols = 35
WOD (modified):
4 rounds for time of:
5 Bent over row, 95#
5 Wide grip bent over row, 95#
5 Reverse grip bent over row, 95#
5 Sumo deadlift high pull, 95#
5 Deadlift, 95#
Total Time = 4:21
158 make up burpees done. I have 74 left for after the wod.
40 done! I’m not sure I’ll be able to make it in today. If I do the WOD at home I’ll post my time.
50 office burpees done
50 living room burpees done
Burpees done
36 done.
72 burpees done.
70 Burpees done after the wod.
36 burpees completed! : )