Wednesday 101215

Gymastic WOD:

  • 5 Min of Hollow Rocker/Supermans- Score it toatl number of hollow rockers

Perform hollow rocker as long as you can but once you lose the position or break you must immediately roll over and hold a superman for 20 sec, then roll back over and go back into hollow rocker.

  • Tabata Rolling Pistols – Score is total reps

If unable to complete rolling pistols, then perform assisted pistols with rings or band

4 Rounds for Time:

  • 5 Push ups
  • 5 Wide Push ups
  • 5 Narrow Push ups
  • 5 Lateral Push ups
  • 5 Planche Push ups


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11 Responses
  1. Aaron

    AMRAP = 70

    Tabata Pistols = 35

    WOD (modified):
    4 rounds for time of:
    5 Bent over row, 95#
    5 Wide grip bent over row, 95#
    5 Reverse grip bent over row, 95#
    5 Sumo deadlift high pull, 95#
    5 Deadlift, 95#
    Total Time = 4:21