Warrior Dash! Who’s In?

Rick mentioned today that he is doing the Warrior Dash in Cooper Mtn in August and we decided we should have team from Surge Elite Performance & Fitness. Turns out it is Susan and Aaron’s Anniversary and they were thinking about doing it too! I say we all join in and help them celebrate and prove that we are Warriors!

Here are the details!

Sunday August 22, 2010 at Copper Mtn.

Registration is $55 per person

We are shooting for the 11 o’clock wave because Rick is already registered for it. The sooner we sign up the better!

Brandon and I are thinking we make a weekend of it, and head up Saturday after the WOD, hang out and be a warrior on Sunday. Let us know what you think, hopefully we can all get  rooms in the same place and get to hang out when we are not all killing ourselves!


Post thoughts and ideas and when you get registered to the comments. We will work on some special Surge Elite Performance & Fitness shirts for the race!

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7 Responses
  1. I’d say we need to try to stay at Copper. We wouldn’t have to drive anywhere and according to the Warrior Dash website, we get a 30% discount on the rooms (as low as $92 a night). Maybe we could get a block of rooms set aside for CFSurge!

  2. I agree a block of rooms would be great. I think so far we have you guys, Brandon and me, Rick, and Jen. Let’s wait a few days and see who else is in so we can get enough rooms!

  3. Brandon and I are registered….but apparently waited too long so we are in the 11:30 wave. If anyone else wants to sign up, the sooner the better! My brother is gonna make some shirts for us too!

  4. KGriff

    We are not going to do the race but may come up and hang out Sat/Sun….please post or let us know when you figure out where you are staying.