- Weighted Lunge 4×10 ea
- Roman Deadlift 4×10
3 Rounds for Reps and Time:
- Max Rep Body weight back squat or use 70% of 1 RM
- 20 Rings Dips
Coaches Thoughts: It was great to have some back squats in the WOD today and we had some great numbers put up with a lot of athlete’s doing their body weight! We had a few stellar performances today, Jason did awesome rocking his body weight, which happens to be MUCH less than it used to be! We finally got the PR board up and names on it which I think will lead to some extra friendly competition, that seemed to start tonight. Amie and Jeff Shea had a deadlift contest and both pulled 300lbs! That was a 75lb PR for Amie and only the second time Jeff has even tried to lift much weight! Good work Shea family. Justin wanted to do Fran before his surgery this week, so he rocked it with a time of 6:54 that equalled a 3+ min PR!
Lunge/RDL: 45#/135#, 55#/135#x3
WOD: @195#, 23/12/15, 11:44
Ring dips were tough.
2 Burpees done. Only one more day! Sweet.
Lunge/RDL: 55/75, 65/95, 75/125, 85/135
WOD: 110# 15-15-15 Ring dips were with one band
Yeah Amie for your 300# Deadlift!!