Monday 110117


Snatch Work

  • For 5 Minutes at the top of every minute perform 2 Power Snatches

Clean & Jerk

  • For 5 Minutes at the top of every minute perform 2 Clean & Jerk

Amie’s B-Day WOD: (Belated) Her B-Day was the 13th but she had Lasik and had to take a rest week!

For Time:

  • Run 200 Meters
  • 31 Power Snatches 115#/80#
  • Run 200 Meters
  • 31 Clean & Jerks 115#/80#
  • Run 200 Meters

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4 Responses
  1. Aaron

    Snatch: 45-65-65-75-75 (single arm, barbell)
    Clean and Jerk: 95-115-145-155-155

    WOD: 10:35
    65# single arm barbell snatch
    95# clean and jerk

  2. Aaron

    Lunch CFE WOD
    120:60×6 from 110114

    Run 2 minutes on and 1 minute off x 6
    Cover as much distance as possible in each interval.

    Total Distance = 1.7 miles
    Couldn’t keep track of the distance for each interval. Was less than 0.1 miles short of a full mile on the first three intervals. The return trip took quite a bit longer.