Tuesday 121023

Warm Up:3 Rds NFT:

  • Ring Dips x 6-15
  • Box Jumps x 10-15
  • Overhead Squat x 6-10


5 Sets (Top every 90 Seconds)

  • 1 Power Clean + 1 Full Clean
  • Perform 10-20 Double Unders between sets


  • Toe to Bar
AMRAP in 15 Minutes:

  • 150m Run
  • Double Unders x 10
  • Toe to Bar x 4
  • Burpee x 3

*Each round increase double unders by 10 reps, toes to bar by 4 reps, burpees by 3 reps.  For example round 1 perform 200m run, 10 double unders, 4 toe to bar, and 3 burpees.  Second round perform 200m run, 20 double unders, 8 toe to bar, and 6 burpees

  • Weekly Challenges
  • Mobility

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