Thursday 121101

Warm Up:

3 Rds NFT:

  • 10 Push Ups
  • 10 Russian KB Swing
  • 15-20 sec L-Sit/Plank Hold



Muscle Up/Transition

  • Chest to Ring Row x 3
  • Chest to Ring Row to Dip Catch Transition x 3
  • Chest to Ring Row to Dip Catch Transition to Press Out x 3
  • Banded Hip to Ring x 3
  • Ring Dip Balance x 3
  • Banded Hip to Ring Transition x 3
  • False Grip Swing
  • Hip to Ring Pull Ups x 3
  • Hip to Ring Pull Up to Transition x 3
  • Muscle Up


For Time:

  • 25 Anchored Sit Ups
  • 1 Muscle Up
  • 20 Anchored Sit Ups
  • 2 Muscle Ups
  • 15 Anchored Sit Ups
  • 3 Muscle Ups
  • 10 Anchored Sit Ups
  • 4 Muscle Ups
  • 5 Anchored Sit Ups
  • 5 Muscle Ups
  • Mobility

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