Thursday 120509

We always hear a lot of negative talk about Functional Fitness, but one thing that will always get under my skin is when people call it a “FAD.”  Fad’s are not around for 10+ years, as well as they don’t continuely to get more and more recognition each year.  This was a scene for NCIS: Los Angeles.

Warm up:

3 Rds NFT:

  • Seated High Knee Weighted External Rotation x 10 ea
  • Handstand Hold x 10-15 Sec
  • Front Squat x 5


4 Sets:

  • AMRAP in 15 Seconds 10 yrd Shuttle Run
  • Rest 1 Minute


7 Rds For Time:

  • 4 Cleans 205/135
  • 3 Wall Climbs
  • Mobility

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