Thursday 110707

Just in case you didn’t know we just got set up and recognized as a business on  For those of you who don’t know what is, it’s a business review and referral website that lists and rates businesses in local areas.  If you have time please feel free to stop by and check out our page, the link is  In addition please feel free to leave a review and I think you can up load some pics as well, Thanks!!!


  • Front Squat 5-5-5-5
  • Rest 30 Seconds
  • Hanging L-Sit hold x 30 Seconds


3 Rds NFT:

  • Run 200 Meters
  • 9 Overhead Squat
  • Run 200 Meters
  • 15 KB Swings
  • Run 200 Meters
  • 21 Box Jump
Full house at the 4pm!

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