Congrats to Aaron for hitting 200 LBS, which is a loss of 35 LBS. I remember when I first met you and Susan at “the other gym.” It’s amazing seeing your transformation, and it truely is a pleasure being able to work with you each day. Great job man, we are very proud of you and this is still only the beginning.
- Back Squat 8-8-6-6
- 4 Rds Tabota Squat
5 Rds For Time:
- 10 KB American Swing 55#/35#
- 10 KB Single Arm High Pull Rt 55/#35#
- 10 KB Single Arm High Pull Lt 55#/35#
- 10 KB Swing the Goblet Squat 55#/35#
- 10 Goblet Squat to Press 55#/35#
Extra Credit
3 Rds Not for time:
- 15 Anchored KB Sit Ups 35#/20#
- 15 ea Anchored KB Russian Twist 35#/20#