Surge Winter Escape

I think everyone knows about this Winter Escape this weekend, but just in case here is your reminder! We still have room available! If you can’t stay but want to come ski or ride on Saturday please let me know ASAP!Looks like we might actally have snow!!

Here are the details:

We are doing a winter ski/ride get away with our Surge family. William and Joanne have been generous enough to offer their house for us to stay in in Summit county. It has 4 bedrooms, with 3 queens & 2 twins. There is plenty of room for cots and air mattresses. William says he has had 18 adults stay there comfortably. We will be going up Friday night February 1. I’m thinking we ski/ride on Saturday, we can decide where we want to go, and see who has passes etc. Stay Saturday night and then decide if we want to ski/ride again Sunday or maybe go snowshoeing and get a winter WOD in together. Obviously we don’t all have to do the same thing either! If you don’t ski/ride and just want to hang out in the mountains for a weekend that is great too! I’m thinking this should be an adult weekend, but if anyone has childcare issues let me know and we can figure it out. Significant others are of course invited! Not sure the best way to assign rooms, so I’m thinking first to RSVP gets the rooms and then we go from there with air mattresses etc… Or if you don’t care about a bed/room that works too! Thinking as we get closer we collaborate on food, kinda like we did for Regionals. We can all figure out a meal to bring (Paleo preferably) and possibly do dinner out one night if everyone wants to do that. Nothing is set in stone, I just want to get away to the mountains and play in some snow!!! There is a cleaning fee of $150 that we will need to pay as a group! Dates: Friday Night Feb 1- Sunday Feb 3.

If you are not going to be able to join us Saturday Classes will be normal schedule Scott will be coaching for us!

Open gym on Sunday is cancelled