Pose Clinic: Saturday Feb 9th

POSE Clinic:

When: Saturday Feb 9th from 10:45-12:45

Who: ANYONE that wants to be a better runner. Whether you are a “runner” looking to improve or you hate running and are hoping to like it more, this clinic is for you!

Coaches: Nettie and Courtney are both Functional Fitness Endurance certified and will be coaching this class. We promise that you will be a more efficient runner by the end of this class!

What to expect: Video analysis of your current stride, POSE drills, drills, drills and more drills. More video analysis and homework!

Please RSVP to comments or to Courtney ASAP!

With spring right around the corner and vast amount of races that come up during this time.  Now is a great time to work on your running technique.  In most “Endurance” training protocols the template has the athlete run a crazy amount of volume and focus little if not at all on technique, which increases the likely hood or over training and injury.  One of our many goals at Surge Elite Performance & Fitness has always been to help improve athletes mechanics and efficiency with any given movement.  Looking at running as a skill and learning specific drills that will help improve this skill can help any runner no matter what their skill level may currently be.  This Pose running clinic will be for a single day will cost $20, members and non members are welcome for this clinic.  Please register to comments, or let us know if you have any questions. Please feel free to bring your friends that at not Surge members!