Saturday 130316

Warm up:

3 Rds NFT:

  • 30 Ft Lid Plank Walks
  • 30 Ft Standing Broad Jump



Eight rounds at 4 minutes each with zero transition time (28 Minute Cap)

A) Level 1:

  • 10 Push ups
  • 10 Sit ups
  • 10 Air squats

*complete 3 rounds in under 4 minutes to move up (if not repeat)

B) Level 2:

  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 Lunges

*complete 4 rounds in under 4 minutes to move up (if not start back at level 1)

C) Level 3:

  • 20 KB swings 55/35
  • 20 Wallball

*complete 2 rounds in 4 minutes to move up (if not start back at level 2)

D) Level 4:

  • 10 Pull ups
  • 10 Toes to bar

*complete 3 rounds in 4 minutes to move up (if not start back at level 3)

E) Level 5:

  • 2 Rope climbs
  • 10 GHD sit ups

*complete 2 rounds in 4 minutes to move up (if not go back to level 4)

F) Level 6:

  • 5 Muscle ups
  • 10 Pistols

*complete 2 rounds in 4 minutes to move up (if not go back to level 5)

G) Level 7:

  • 5 Squat snatch @ 135/95
  • 200m run

*complete 2 rounds in 4 minutes to move up (if not go back to level 6)

H) Level 8:

  • 5 Squat clean and jerk @ 185/115
  • 5 HSPU

*complete 2 rounds in 4 minutes to beat the game!(If not go back to level 7)

**if you finish before the 4 minutes you rest and move up a level at the beep

  • Mobility

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