Saturday 120407

With a Partner Perform AMRAP in 15 Minutes:

  • Buy in: 75 High Five Sit Ups

Part A:

  • 15′ OH Walking Lunge 45/25
  • 6 Buprees Plate Jumps (Regional Standards)
  • 15′ OH Walking Lunge

Part B:

  • AMRAP Hand Release Push Ups

*Once partners finish buy in; athletes will aternate between the couplet and hand release push ups.  For example partner A will perform part A, while Partner B performs as many hand release push ups during the time it takes partner A to perfom part A.  Once Partner A finishes, athletes will trade tasks.  Score will be both total rounds completed and total number of hand release push ups performed.

  • Weekly Challenges
  • Mobility
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