Option A:
- 50 Box Jumps 20″
- 5 Rope Climbs/ 25 Supine Row
- 50 KB Swings 1.5 pood
- 50 Sit ups
- 50 Dumbbell Power Hang Clean, 40lbs
- 800 Meter Run
- 50 Back Extensions
Option B:
- 35 Box Jumps
- 20 Supine Row
- 35 KB Swings
- 35 Sit ups
- 35 DB Hang Clean
- 400 Meter Run
- 35 Back Ext
It should be a fantastic day tomorrow, we might even get to have the garage doors open again! This should be a fun WOD, thanks to the main site. Don’t worry there will be scaled versions too! See you all in the morning!
Coaches Thoughts: Fun WOD from the main site. It is nice to have the ropes but now it looks like we need more!Sorry to Chris who wanted to do the rope climb but the ropes were full when he got there! Everyone did great today and it was fun to watch the girls in the 9:30 class battle for the best time! We want to welcome Ryan who came to the 8:30 class and got to workout with Brandon and was a good push for him on the rope climbs!
Rx’d with the exception of 20# dumbell power hang cleans instead of 25# (for women). Time was 18:53. It was a pretty good workout today…I still like rope climbs!