Saturday 110108

Mystery WOD????

We are going to have several WOD prepared and athletes will randomly choose the WOD or WOD’s.


AMRAP in 6 Minutes

  • Lunge 50 Feet
  • Sprint 50 Feet

Rest 2 Minutes

WOD #2

AMRAP in 6 Minutes

  • 7 Bupee Wall Balls
  • 7 Ball Slams

Rest 2 Minutes

WOD #3

For Time:

  • 100 Sit Ups

Rest 2 Minutes


AMRAP in 6 Minutes

  • At top of every minute perform 10 two handed KB Push Presses 55#/35#
  • With remaining time in given minute perform as many KB Swings as you can 55#/35#

Rest 2 Minutes


AMRAP in 6 minutes

  • At top of every minute perform 10 Thurster 45#/30#
  • With remaining time in given minute perform as many good morning as you can 45#/30#


Coaches Thoughts: We didn’t actually expect to get through all 5 of the WOD’s, but the first class was full of a bunch of overachievers, so we did indeed get through them all and everyone did awesome! It was a great way to finish off a tough week!

3 Responses
  1. afromeatball

    RE: Aaron,

    Same thing as what Aaron said, just substitute “a lof of fun” with “painfully punishing”. I got worked!