Saturday 100710


There are going to be two options for WODs today, however coaches get to make the decision which WOD to do.  The options are:

AMRAP in 15 Minutes of:

  • 12 Right Arm Dumb bell Snatch
  • 12 Dumb bell Swings
  • 12 Left Arm Dumb bell Snatch
  • 12 Steps Right Arm Overhead Walking Lunge
  • 12 Steps Left Arm Overhead Walking Lunge


In a Team of 3 Complete As Many Reps as Possible in 15 Minutes of:

  •  KB Swing
  • Wall Ball 55#/35#
  • 150 Meter Run

* One person will be working at each station, count the amount of reps performed at the KB Swing and Wall ball stations.  Once the person running returns rotate stations (KB Swing goes to Wall Ball, Wall Ball goes to Run, Run to KB Swing).  At the conclusion add up total reps performed.

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