Monday 141208


Warm Up:

  • High Hang muscle clean + Push Press
  • High Hang power clean + Push Press
  • High Hang full clean (hold rock solid bottom position for 10 seconds) + Push Press
  • Hang above the knee muscle clean + Push Jerk
  • Hang above the knee power clean + Push Jerk
  • Hang above the knee full clean (hold rock solid bottom position for 10 seconds) + Push Jerk
  • Hang below the knee muscle clean + Split Jerk
  • Hang below the knee power clean + Split Jerk
  • Hang below the knee full clean (hold rock solid bottom position for 10 seconds) + Split Jerk


5 Sets Each: (EMOM)

  • Minute 1 – High Hang Clean + Push Press @ 60% of 1 RM
  • Minute 2 – Hang Clean (Above Knee) + Push Jerk @ 65% of 1 RM
  • Minute 3- Hang Clean (Just Below Knee) + Split Jerk @ 70% of 1 RM


AMRAP in 5 Minutes

  • 3 Pull Ups
  • 6 Push Ups
  • 9 Front Squat

Rest 2 Minutes, Then

AMRAP in 5 Minutes

  • 3 Pull Ups
  • 6 Push Ups
  • 9 Front Squat

*Resume in part B where you left off.

  • 10 Minutes Mobility


Warm Up:

  • Dynamic Warm Up


A) 5 Sets Each: (EMOM)

  • Minute 1 – High Hang Clean + Push Press @ 60% of 1 RM
  • Minute 2 – Hang Clean (Above Knee) + Push Jerk @ 65% of 1 RM
  • Minute 3- Hang Clean (Just Below Knee) + Split Jerk @ 70% of 1 RM

B) 3 sets: (Perform After WOD)

  • Wt. Hip Ext. x 8 reps @ 3011
  • Rest as needed
  • Single-Arm DB Row x 8 reps each @ 2111
  • Rest as needed


AMRAP in 4 minutes of:

  • 4 Front Squat 205/135
  • 4 Muscle Ups

Rest 4 minutes, then…

AMRAP in 4 minutes of:

  • 8 Ground to Overhead 135/105
  • 8 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
  • 10 Minutes Mobility


Warm up:

  • High Hang muscle clean + Push Press
  • High Hang power clean + Push Press
  • High Hang full clean (hold rock solid bottom position for 10 seconds) + Push Press
  • Hang above the knee muscle clean + Push Jerk
  • Hang above the knee power clean + Push Jerk
  • Hang above the knee full clean (hold rock solid bottom position for 10 seconds) + Push Jerk
  • Hang below the knee muscle clean + Split Jerk
  • Hang below the knee power clean + Split Jerk
  • Hang below the knee full clean (hold rock solid bottom position for 10 seconds) + Split Jerk


A) 5 sets: (Every 2 Minutes)

Back Squat

  • Set 1 – 6 reps @ 65%
  • Set 2 – 4 reps @ 75%
  • Set 3 – 2 reps @ 80%
  • Set 4 – 2 reps @ 85%
  • Set 5 – 1 rep @ 90%

followed by…

A2) 1 Set:

  • Back Squat x Max Unbroken Reps @ 85%

(athletes are allowed only on full breathing cycle at the top of the lift – exhale, inhale, brace and descend – once more rest is taken at the top, the set is over)

Rest 3 minutes, and then…

A3) 1 Set:

  • Back Squat x the same number of reps achieved for max reps with 75% of your 1-RM

B) 3 sets: (Perform After WOD)

  • Glute-Ham Raises x 8 reps @ 3011
  • Rest as needed
  • Single-Arm DB Row x 8 reps each @ 2111
  • Rest as needed


AMRAP in 4 minutes of:

  • 4 Hang Squat Cleans 205/135
  • 4 Muscle-Ups

Rest 4 minutes, then…

AMRAP in 4 minutes of:

  • 8 Ground to Overhead 155/105
  • 8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
  • 10 Minutes Mobility