Monday 110221


Phase I/Week 1

Shoulder Press (Working off 90% of 1 RM)

  • 5 @ 65%
  • 5 @ 75%
  • 5+ @ 85%

Strict Pull Ups

  • 3 x 12


AMRAP in 8 Minutes

  • 8 Clapping Push Ups
  • 8 Hollow Rockers
  • 8 Seated Barbell Press 45#/30#

Thanks Functional Fitness LA for inspiration behind this WOD

Coaches Thoughts:  Today was a great day at Surge.  We had a ton of people come in which provided all kinds of energy.  The strict pull ups really provided a challenge for those who really rely on the kip during the strength portion of the workout.  In addition the 8 minute AMRAP surprised a few athletes with how tough the push up and seated shoulder press turned out to be.  It was great to see some familiar faces in as well.  Glendon knocked out the most rounds with over 10 and Courtney V stepped up to the challenge and did the WOD with the Menes weight and still came away with one of the top scores for the day.  Great job to all athletes today.

Mark doing seated shoulder press with Jason and his clapping push ups!
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2 Responses
  1. Aaron

    3 PUs per minute for 15 minutes

    8 minute AMRAP of:
    8 Back extensions
    8 Hollow rockers
    8 GHD SUs

    Results: 6+18