12 Minute Cap
- Weighted Pull Ups 6-6-4-4
- Work on Muscle Up Transition
5 Rds For Time:
- 3 Muscle Ups
- 7 Hang Power Clean 155#/105#
Coaches Thoughts: Today was a fantastic day in the gym. We had a lot of athletes attempting things they have never done before, everyone who came in attacked both the strength and WOD with great enthusiasm and intensity. We had several athletes perform multiple kipping pull ups for the first time. In addition Amber B and Jessica B both moved ever so closer to their first none assisted pull ups, keep at it ladies one band to go. Additionally great performances were turned in by Shannon G who went heavier than he ever has been for, and Justin for being the only other person to complete the WOD with muscle ups. However performance of the day has to go to Aaron H, who was the only person who completed the WOD Rxd. He did an amazing job with the muscle ups, not missing a single one throughout the WOD. Great Job Aaron!!!.
I just took a peek at the MBS website it says that there are only a few spots left for the Turkey Challege! I don’t know what the cap is, but apparently there is one.