Monday 100803


AMRAP in 7 Minutes:

  • 10 Good Mornings 65#/35#
  • 10 DB Skull Crushers 25#/15#


“Deck of Cards”

  • Diamonds = Wall Balls
  • Spades = KB Swings 55#/35#
  • Clubs = Pull Ups
  • Hearts = Burpees

* Suites represent a given exercise, the number on the card equals the reps to be performed.  Jacks = 12 reps, Queens = 14 reps, Kings = 16 reps, Aces = 20 reps.

Thanks to Justin for the best sweat angel ever! Has our logo in it!
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1 Response
  1. Aaron

    Day 14: One-armed WODs

    AMRAP in 7 Minutes:
    10 Good Mornings 65# (held plates against chest)
    10 DB Skull Crushers 25# (single arm)

    Results: 7 rounds + 16 reps

    “Deck of Cards”
    Diamonds = Wall Balls (subbed single arm 40# DB thrusters)
    Spades = KB Swings 55# (subbed 35# single arm KB swings)
    Clubs = Pull Ups (subbed single arm jumping PUs)
    Hearts = Burpees (subbed 20” box jumps)
    *Suites represent a given exercise, the number on the card equals the reps to be performed. Jacks = 12 reps, Queens = 14 reps, Kings = 16 reps, Aces = 20 reps.

    36 cards = 22:32