Friday WOD…FINAL Construction Update!!!!

Can’t believe we haven’t updated since Wed..but then again we have done nothing but work on the building since then! Yesterday was big, we got the pull-up system done, and BTW it is AWESOME! One more coat of paint and we are ready for some pull-ups, muscle ups, ladder drills and maybe some Gladiator games!  The floor is close to done, 1/2 of the rubber is laid, the third coat of stain is on the platforms.  The trim is done everywhere, the front of the building is power washed and nice and shiny. Thanks to Court’s dad Don for bringing the power washer and cleaning it for us! The dumbbells,weights, and kettle bells are unpacked, which is really fun! Today was are heading in to finish the floor, the ceiling in the bathroom, go pick up the last of the equipment, and clean so we can be ready for everyone tomorrow!

Today’s WOD

  • Run 1600 meters
  • 25 squats, 25 push ups, 25 sit ups
  • Run 1200 meters
  • 50 squats, 50 push ups, 50 sit ups
  • Run 800 meters
  • 75 squats, 75 push ups, 75 sit ups
  • Run 400

Tomorrow’s plan!

We will be there from 9-2. The WOD will be from 10-11, everyone is welcome and it is FREE for all! Please bring friends and come join us. It will be a really fun WOD and a great time to meet your new Surge friends. We will be doing a healthy BBQ after the WOD and just hanging out and relaxing. If you can’t make the WOD, please still come by to say hi and grab some food. We will also be doing memberships, taking pictures, etc.  We know you all want to be one of the first 20 on the Surge Hall of Fame white board!